F-4B Phantom II

Scale: 1/48

Manufacturer: Academy
Parts used: Eduards Color photo etched set and in-flight parts 
Main paints used: Tamiya and Vallejo


In part one we look at the build ahead and check to see if we can get the Eduard photo-etched set for the Hasegawa kit into the Academy kit and then push on with the intakes, wheel wells. 

In part Two we work on and fit the Eduard Photo Etched set to the cockpit and then work in the intakes and engines to bring the fuselage together. 

In part Three we fit the nut for the stand and install the intakes, engines and forward fuselage before adding the main upper fuselage and intakes.

In part Four we finish of the build part and install the crew and polish and mask the cockpit class.

In Part Five we move over to the spray booth and start work with a black quick primer before moving onto the full primer application.

In Part Six we tack care of a few runs in the paint and then move on the pre-shading and then add the first coat of white paint.

Part seven sees us add the second white coat and then add the light gull grey over and weather in.

In part eight we weather in the paintwork with fading and the use metalizers for the clam shell area at the rear.

In part nine we work through the decaling and get the shark’s mouth just right.

In Part ten we go to town on the weathering with post shading and washes.

In part 11 we up the weathering and add even more dirt and weathering with more post shading and washes before we mount it up on the stand for the final reveal.